Saturday, March 21, 2020

How To Help Your Child With PSA Chemistry

How To Help Your Child With PSA ChemistryPSA Chemistry is one of the most difficult courses to get into at a college or university and has to be taken very seriously. It covers a wide range of science that all children need to know about. Every student should take the course at least once. The classroom experience is very important, so students need to learn how to set up lectures, how to study, and how to organize their work.Everyone should know that no two children are the same, and this applies to chemistry as well. There are some children who are more willing to learn than others. It's important for parents to encourage their children to take the class as often as possible. This will help to teach them what they need to know when they are older.Learning about chemistry in school can help students better understand what chemical elements do and how they are formed. They may also be able to develop better understanding of how to use their knowledge in their everyday lives. The chem icals that we use everyday can affect our health, and knowing how these can affect our bodies will help us understand how important it is to take care of ourselves.It's important for every student to have a science book that can be used for other classes as well as for the PSA Chemistry class. This helps to keep students from having to use the notes that they are given on the test. A book is also a great way to keep students from giving up on the class.The lab portion of the PSA Chemistry class is one of the more difficult parts of the class. There are different parts of the lab that are very important for students to understand. Many children forget to test themselves to make sure that they are able to finish the tests that they have to take. Taking tests to improve the quality of their learning is essential to making sure that they are prepared for college.There are a number of things that parents can do to help their children with PSA Chemistry. One of the best ways to do this is to support their child's studies. Some parents might want to give their child some extra encouragement. This can mean simply paying attention to how their child is doing in class. They should be able to talk to their child to see if they have any questions or concerns.One of the biggest obstacles in getting your child to take PSA Chemistry is due to the fact that many parents do not know how to approach it. Parents need to find a good way to help their child learn how to take their subject. Since the subject can be confusing, parents need to make sure that they are available for help when needed. In the end, it is the teacher who makes the most impact on a child's learning, so finding a good chemistry teacher is important.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Prepare for a Singing Audition Ten Tips for Success

How to Prepare for a Singing Audition Ten Tips for Success Sign up successful Preparing Your Music, Part One  â€" If youre auditioning for a rock band, selecting a pop ballad for your audition song probably wont fly.  By the same token, if you’re auditioning for a music theater or opera role where the character has great emotional depth, rather than showing the panel you’re versatile, a light and fun piece will simply show them you don’t understand how to prepare for a singing audition, or worse still, you’re not familiar with the plot!  For stage auditions, you’ve most likely been given something from the show to present to the panel.  How you prepare this is essential to your success. Preparing Your Music, Part Two  â€" If you play the piano well enough even to pick out a tune line, you can familiarize yourself with the melody of something new to you very quickly.  Identify the bars you’ll have trouble with, and work out exercises based on those bars that will help you conquer them.  Don’t worry about memorizing your words just yet, but make sure that the melody is really part of you, practicing on a variety of vowel sounds.  Read through the text of your song or aria as a piece of prose or poetry, and note how you naturally color the words when you say them.  Go back to your melody, sing through it on the vowel sounds of the words, and then gradually add the text.  You’ll find that the memorization process is much easier this way. Preparing Yourself â€" One of the hidden factors of how to prepare for a singing audition is the unsavory truth is that its a visual business.  Make yourself the best version of you that you can be â€" clean and pressed clothes, clean shoes, and a high level of attention to personal grooming will all make the audition panel see that you take the job (and more importantly, yourself) very seriously.  In the longer-term, pay attention to diet and physical fitness; even if you are carrying extra pounds, fit and healthy shows in the way you move and present yourself. The Day Before â€" Often overlooked in how to prepare for a singing audition is factoring in fun!  Aim to be so well prepared that you don’t need the day for extra preparation (unless the audition was a very short notice surprise!); spend that day in the beauty salon, walking in the park, or meeting friends for lunch to clear your brain ahead of the pressures of the audition room. The Day Itself â€" Get up early, and certainly no later than three hours before the time you have to sing.  Remember that your voice takes longer to wake up than you do!  Lay out your clothes and music the night to say time and double-check that you have everything you need.  Take advantage of the steam in the shower, and do your warm up then there may not be time or space at the venue. Also, make sure you leave extra time for traveling and finding exactly where you need to be, especially if youre not familiar with the venue. Being Professional â€" Another unsavory truth as you get further on in the profession is that other singers may do all they can to psych you out in the waiting room.  Don’t engage with this behavior, and certainly don’t be put off by tales of how they’ve done the role before for X or Y company, or how they had dinner with the director only last week.  Factor in being calm and collected as part of how to prepare for a singing audition.  Make sure you have copies of your resume and headshots with you, and don’t forget to check your schedule for any clashes with the rehearsals! Saying Thank You â€" If you feel you’ve done poorly, you may want to run out of the room as quickly as you can, but don’t be tempted to leave without a word.  Thank the panel for their time, and even by email afterward especially if their response has been positive! Picture it like this: two sopranos are auditioning for the same role.  One is a little better than the other, and while very reliable, musical, and well-prepared, has a reputation for being a little difficult.  The weaker singer, however, has a reputation for always turning up on time, prepared to throw themselves in to any extra jobs that need doing, and able to get along well with their colleagues. Who do you think gets the job? Conclusion You may be the most self-reliant and talented singer in terms of how to prepare for a singing audition.  However, without a trusted pair of ears to pick up on any bad habits you may not be aware of, your progress may stall. Singing lessons with a qualified teacher are essential at every level -not just to learn new vocal techniques, but to strengthen and revisit existing ones.  A good teacher is an essential investment in your enjoyment of singing, whether you’re an enthusiastic amateur, an aspiring student, or an established professional.  Even famous singers like Pavarotti and Sinatra took voice lessons what’s your excuse? Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher  Photo  by U.S. Army

Thursday, March 5, 2020

5 Best Apps for College Students

5 Best Apps for College Students Jill Cole Being a college student in 2014 has its pros and cons. The competition is fierce and college courses are more challenging and demanding. However, coupled with these expectations come a ton of technological tools and apps that can help make your life easier and more efficient. Here, tutor Natalie S. has picked out a few of the  top apps for college students that you should download right now! 1.  Dropbox This app and desktop tool enables you to back up all of your documents and easily share them with others. You’ll never struggle with emailing large attachments again, and you’ll never have to worry about losing all of your documents if your computer crashes. You can download Dropbox to your desktop, so you can save all of your files to this location instead of on your computer. Then, all of the info in your Dropbox syncs to the cloud and when you log into your account online, the account mirrors whatever you have saved on your desktop Dropbox. If you’re responsible for a group project, you can create a Dropbox folder and invite all of your group members to join. You can save all documents there and any updates will be seen in real time. 2.  Mathway This app is a great tool for students who are not mathematically inclined and who need additional help navigating homework and prepping for exams. You can utilize the Mathway app to check many math concepts, including your algebra, geometry, or calculus math homework. Also, if you’re stumped on a problem, Mathway will show you step by step how it can be solved. 3.  iTunes U This is a fantastic app to use in conjunction with your class lecture notes. iTunes U features lectures on all subjects by professors from leading universities, including as Cambridge and Yale. You can download lectures that correspond to the subjects you’re studying, and use iTunes U to supplement your lecture notes  and in-class seminars. 4.  SelfControl This app is designed to block certain websites like Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites that take your attention while you’re studying. Just download the app and tweak the settings, so you can block specific websites for a specific amount of time. Once you finish studying, SelfControl will turn off, and you will gain access to your favorite time-consuming social media sites once again. 5.  EasyBib This app is designed to help you correctly format all of your sources, so you can easily create your bibliography page for your research papers. Formatting bibliographies can be a daunting, time-consuming challenge. This app helps you create citations in multiple different styles, including MLA and Chicago. All you have to do is either search for the book or article you want to cite, or enter the basic information manually, and EasyBib will instantly create the correct citation. Whether you’re struggling with citations, self-control, math or file sharing, these apps for college students are must-haves to download right now! Natalie S. tutors English, ESL, History, Phonics, Reading, and  Test Prep in San Diego, as well as through online lessons. She received her BA in English Education at the University of Delaware, and her MA in English Literature at San Diego State University.  Learn more about Natalie here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by  IN 30 MINUTES Guides

What is it Like to Attend St. Marys University

What is it Like to Attend St. Mary's University The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Christine is a Houston tutor and 2012 graduate of St. Marys University in San Antonio, Texas. She holds a Bachelors degree in Biology and currently specializes inmany subjects including Algebra tutoring, Chemistry tutoring, and Writing tutoring. See what she had to say about her school: VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options.How urban or safe is the campus?Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Christine: St. Marys entire campus is gated and there are police in cars and on bikes patrolling 24/7. After midnight, all of the gates on campus are closed except one. I have always felt very safe on campus and it is easy to get in contact with the police if you have any safety concerns or need someone to walk with you late at night. Yes, occasionally, there have been cars that do get broken into just like at any parking areas but as long as you do not leave your valuables in sight, your car is unlikely to get broken into. Because the campus is relatively small, a bike is not necessary. On average, it takes about 10-12 minutes to talk from most of the dorms to the classrooms. I would suggest having a car if you need to get off campus often. Another option is riding on the public VIA bus to get off campus. There is a VIA bus stop right by the school. VT: How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Christine: This is what I loved about St. Marys University the most. My professors and academic advisers are not only my mentors but also my friends. Because most of the classes have about 20-30 students, professors quickly learn each students name. It is easy to meet with professors before or after class and they respond to emails fast. I could also easily meet with them in their office even outside their office hours. You even find students having lunch with their professors around campus. VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Christine: St. Marys recently decided to accept more students than they could house. Within the past few years, many students find themselves having 2 roommates instead of the traditional 1 roommate in a bedroom. The school has already started making plans to build more dorm buildings. St. Marys recently changed the dining option to where students buy meals instead of having points. The school also just added Chick-fil-A and Starbucks on campus. I would consider the location of St. Marys to be in a rough area but as I had mentioned, the school is gated and I have never felt unsafe on campus. University Programming Council (UPC) and Student Council do an excellent job with planning school events to ensure that students feel very welcomed and are actively involved in campus life. It is very easy to join several organizations and to make new friends. VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Christine: There is a large number of Biology majors and Business majors. I was a Biology major and pre-medical student. St. Marys University does an outstanding job supporting Biology majors. All the Biology professors and advisors make sure that the students are on track and assist the students with finding research jobs and applying for professional schools. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Christine: I found it very easy to meet people and make friends as a freshman. Most of the students, professors, and faculty are friendly and easy to talk to. While walking to and from classes, students and professors wave and say hi to each other. It is common to see familiar faces when you walk around campus. The warm friendly environment is just part of the Marianist spirit of the school. Yes, Greek life does play a role in the campus social life but I chose not to join a sorority and found myself just as involved with campus life and had just the same amount of friends and fun as sorority girls did. VT: How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services?Do many reputable companies recruit on campus? Christine: Because I was a Biology major and pre-med student, I did not find myself using the Career Center often because the chair of the Biology department did a superb job of notifying students when and where there were research and clinical opportunities. Throughout the school year, there are a few job fairs and events where companies recruit on campus. The Civic Engagement service does a great job of keeping records of your volunteer work and hours. The only time I went to the Career Center was when I needed help with my resume to apply for a medical school program and for a mock interview. The individuals that work there are very helpful. VT: How are the various study areas such aslibraries, student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Christine: I believe it was a good idea for St. Marys to recently remodel the lower floor of the main library to have more group tables and group study rooms. The lower level allows students to talk and use white boards. The second floor has most of the computers and allows students to talk. The top floor is the silent floor. The library does get crowded during finals week, just like most colleges and universities, but most of the time, it was easy for me to find a place to study in the library. Most dorm lounges are good study areas. I would also suggest studying at the Law Schools library, where it is completely silent, if you cannot find any other place to study. VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between?To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Christine: There is not as much to do in San Antonio as compared to the activities in Dallas or Houston. Of course, no student attends St. Marys University for four years without visiting the Alamo and the Riverwalk in downtown at least twice. The La Cantera and Northstar malls are good shopping locations. You will find many delicious Mexican restaurants all over the city. There are a few fun clubs and bars such Cowboys, Wild West, Howl at the Moon, Fox and Hound, and Posh. Most students go to the downtown area or drive at least 15 minutes to go have fun off campus. VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Christine: St. Marys University has a small student body with a total of about 2,460 undergraduate students and a 13:1 student to teacher ratio. I graduated from high school with a class of about 270 students and felt very comfortable at St. Marys. I personally prefer small class sizes where I know almost everyone in the class and can maintain a close relationship with my professors. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Christine: My most memorable experience was being in Dr. Manchesters General Biology class. He has a genuine passion to teach and is extremely knowledgeable. He cares for each of his students and their career goals. Dr. Manchester would teach using a wooden stick that he chopped off a tree outside of the Biology building and he made up funny stories for his students to remember many Biology concepts. His class was by far the hardest class I had ever taken but it was worthwhile because I learned to perfect my study skills in his class. Check out Christines tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors

Act Practice Test Can Be Easy If You Have TutorPace Beside You

Act Practice Test Can Be Easy If You Have TutorPace Beside You College is one of the most awaited places for many students. Each one craves to reach there and wants to enjoy the freedom and independence that is found there. After the disciplined life of school, it becomes very refreshing to live a college life. Every student wants to attend a good college that will not only provide them with good vision but will also help the vision to get turn into reality. This is only possible when you have got your admission at a reputed and a good college that has good prospects and also good teaching staffs. But thinking of getting admission and reality of getting admission is very different from the other. Getting admission in a good college is very tough but it is very important as well for a better future for any student. Al the reputed colleges have opened up a new way of admitting the students in their colleges and that is through an entrance test. The entrance test is called ACT exam. This is the ticket through which you can be enrolled in any of the good and reputed colleges and universities of most of the nations. As we all need to avail any good college or university for our better future so this exam becomes much more important and it is natural that cracking it will land up a student towards a bright future. ACT and its whereabouts ACT is considered as one of the tough exam through which a student can get admission at a good college of university of the nation. The exam consists of four subjects that are English, social science, mathematics and science. Each exam has to be qualified by the candidate and then only one can get admission in any of the reputed colleges of the town. It is tough to crack al the exams and the entire subject with good percentage. For this you need the help and guidance of a good and eligible teacher who have passed such an exam and can handle the kind of pressure that arrives in. Private teachers are available but there are various students who are unable to take up private tuitions as of many difficulties that they face. The transportation expenses are also high and this makes many students to step back and think of learning and studying at home. When you are thinking about something then you can come and get a try with online tutoring facilities. Today with the advent of technologies various types of inventions have helped us lessen our pressure and work load from our life. Internet is also one such way out. It helps the young generation in various ways and also lands them into various types of information and necessary details that they want. What online tutoring is all about? Online tutoring may seem a new way to learn and teach, but with passage of time this type of learning process is gaining a lot of fan following for itself. The online tutoring process can be said as a way of great stress buster for many students. Many students come up with various problems and this can only be solved with the help of online teachers being beside you. The teachers can carry of various types of subjects with same efficiency and with same approach. The teachers present in such type of online tutoring institutes are very much qualified with a subject and knows how to handle the subject with ease. It is very necessary that one should know the subject properly if they want to teach their students with full proficiency. Online teachers have to go through tremendous tough interview and then only they are appointed. The teachers are known to teach the students well and thus for this they sketch a structured plan and they work over this with ease. The weak areas of the students are detected and then the process of teaching gets started up. This helps the weak students also to rise up and get comfortable with the teacher. The other benefit of online teachers is that each individual student is attended by each individual teacher. This increases the confidence level of students largely and this helps the students to open up with their problems to the teachers and solve them immediately. I have said the word immediately because online tutoring has another major facility and that is the teachers are available all round the clock and also throughout the year. They do not have any holiday and so whenever a student encounters any problem or doubt in any subject they can clear it at that moment from the teacher. Every child in the present timing can easily come up with the knowledge of how to handle internet and how to use it with efficiency. So enrolling oneself in such an institute does not seem to be a great cause of concern as they can for once check the entire process of online tutoring and know what are the basic facts of it and how much is it useful. TutorPace, one of the well known online tutoring institutes In the midst of various online institutes it is very essential that being a responsible parent you should go for such an institute who will guide you, support you and also help you with the subjects that seem to be a nightmare to you. Just for example you can go through the site of TutorPace. It is one of the reputed site that helps in providing you all the above facilities that has been talked about. It has good teachers, throughout the clock service, less charges of any service; individual teachers attend single students and as the entire process of online tutoring are conducted via online chats, tele conferencing, video conferencing, audio medium and so on. This helps in saving time and energy of any student along with also saving god bucks that is generally used as transportation expenses for attending any private tutoring. TutorPace will help you attain Act practice test with its efficient teachers and good features.

The Ohio State University College Experience

The Ohio State University College Experience Vignesh earned his bachelors degree in biological sciences/pre-medicine from Ohio State University. He specializes in algebra tutoring, SAT tutoring, and a number of other subjects. Below he shares his review of his experience at Ohio State University: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Vignesh: I went to Ohio State University for my undergraduate schooling. I also attended Wright State University for summer classes in order to transfer credit to Ohio State University. The campus setting was great, as Columbus is such an active and engaging city. The campus had a very urban feel to it, as the best transportation options other than walking were going to places via bus. There was a regular bus schedule with scheduled stops at 15-minute intervals. I felt safe on campus, as campus security is very strong and available in many different buildings. You dont necessarily need a car or bike, but if you want to get to places quickly, having a car or bike will help. I walked to most places my first year, and had a car with me the rest of the years. How available are the professors, academic advisors, and teaching assistants? Vignesh: Since this was a very big school, professors, academic advisors, and teaching assistants usually taught different sections of a class. They were very available during their office hours. Emailing these faculty members was always helpful for me when needed, and most of them were very nice during their office hours. They were even willing to schedule separate meeting times if our schedules conflicted. How would you describe the dorm liferooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Vignesh: The dorm life was an experience of mixed emotions for me. I loved the new atmosphere, meeting new people, and the location of my dorm, as it was close to restaurants and many buildings as I lived on South Campus. I made lots of good friends in my dorm and studied, hung out, and played a lot of basketball with them since we were very close to a gym. The downside of living in a dorm is the loudness of the students there, including some crazy weekends with social activities and quiet hours. It was very tough to get adjusted to some aspects of dorm life, but it was a very interesting experience for me. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Vignesh: The sciences and mathematics are strong at Ohio State University. I studied biological sciences/pre-medicine and minored in business management. The university did a good job of supporting my particular study, as there were clear course guidelines for what classes to take to stay on track for graduation. I met with my academic advisor about once a quarter/semester to help stay on track. Meeting with an academic advisor is a great thing to do and helped me a lot. I would suggest everyone do the same. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Vignesh: It was a bit difficult to make consistent friends as a freshman. Lots of kids from my childhood and high school went to Ohio State University, but lots of these friendships broke apart due to different atmospheres, values, career ambitions, etc. I made plenty of new friends due to the large number of students at the university. Joining clubs, meeting people through dorms and classes, and at the gym were how I made most of my friends. I didnt join any fraternities, but I know it is a good way to make friends. How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services? Vignesh: The Career Center was very helpful from reviews I heard from others. There is a nice learning center called Younkin Success Center to help with students struggling with school or coursework or other aspects of life. There are career fairs held regularly on campus. I was a pre-medical major, so there was a pre-medical club, and physicians and medical professionals that would come to campus and give talks or answer questions on a regular basis. How are the various study areas, such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Vignesh: There are a few libraries on campus. They are very available and have multiple floors, which are great due to the large number of students on campus. It does get hectic during midterm or final exam week. Those weeks I usually study in my dorm or apartment. The noise level is pretty well controlled in these areas due to good enforcement and following of rules. Describe the surrounding town. Vignesh: The city of Columbus is great. It is such a big city with so much to do with restaurants, venues, stores, gyms, football and basketball stadiums, and plenty to do on weekends or during free time. This made the environment very fun. It is important not to get too distracted from all there is to do there. The students go to the downtown area a decent amount during less stressful weekends. Going to football games at Ohio State University is the most popular thing to do on campus for social life. I got season tickets all four years at Ohio State University and loved going to the games. There is a lot to do in Columbus. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Vignesh: The student body is huge, as Ohio State University is ranked as the 2nd or 3rd biggest school in the country. Some of my classes had 200 to 300 students in the lecture hall, which had two floors to accommodate the number of students. The only disadvantage of this was that there wasnt much of a community feel to classes and interaction with teachers during class. The advantage of this is that it really teaches you independence and how to survive in real world settings. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Vignesh: I have some memorable moments with professors and classes. I took plenty of difficult classes in the sciences, but one class I enjoyed most was one I took my senior year. I took a two-course sequence in physiology, and I really enjoyed learning about the body, functions, and so much more in depth. We covered cellular reactions, homeostasis, action potentials, organ systems (heart, lungs, kidneys, respiratory, etc.) in great detail and I really enjoyed the class. This was my favorite science/major class. My favorite class in all of my undergraduate career was a sports and society class that I also took my senior year. This class required us to see how sports related to society, and the significance of sports in daily life and to cultures. We read a few books on how sports has impacted our world and had to do a final project picking a sports movie and writing about how it affected us, our view of society, and how it has shaped our understanding of sports in culture. I chose Coach Carter, an inspirational true story basketball movie talking about the importance of academics and balancing academics and basketball. I had a lot of experiences that I loved and some that I regretted, but these were the few that stick out to me the most. Check out Vigneshs tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Learning English Common Grammar Mistakes

Learning English Common Grammar Mistakes How to Learn English Grammar for ESOL Courses: Know what Mistakes Not to Make ChaptersThe Trouble with VerbsIrregular PronounsVocabulary Gone AwryPunctuation PitfallsWord Order MattersMany ESOL  students report that learning English grammar is their biggest stumbling block to achieving language fluency.  Many people make common mistakes in every aspect of English.With so many irregularities â€" in verb conjugation, with pronouns, with punctuation, with word order, it is easy to understand why.Today, we would like to point out these tricky aspects of English learning in the hope that you will avoid them.Along the way, we will give you some handy work-arounds, too!These instances of subject and pronoun usage, though quite common, are unfortunately not correct.Neither means not one or the other. With that understanding, it is plain to see that using the plural pronoun their would be incorrect.Neither girl brought her book to class would be the correct way to express this idea.Can you correct the second sentence?Using words as slang sometimes creates the wrong ide a (Source: Pixabay Credit: PdPics)second sentence, a measurable quantity cannot be given.Thus, the second word suggests immeasurable quantities and the first represents definite distance.A note on farthingsIf you are reading classic literature as part of your English lessons, you might have encountered the word farthing.It seems like that word would have the same root and origin as farther, but they are in no way related.You can consult the Oxford English Dictionary for this and other words'  etymology and current usage as a slang term.Punctuation PitfallsModern communication methods seem to encourage disregard for proper punctuation, and nowhere is that more evident than the use of your and you're.Your taking English classes.Your, being a possessive pronoun, is not used correctly in this instance. However, you would be correct in saying:Your taking English classes is bound to improve your English.Let us now examine this sentence:You're taking English classes!Apostrophes denote poss ession,  but they also mark contractions â€" as in the sentence above. It is important to learn how to use apostrophes and other punctuation marks correctly.As you progress through your English courses in London or elsewhere, you will gain a greater understanding of punctuation and its uses in reading and writing.It is true that one must cultivate an aptitude for listening for, and speaking, punctuation. The exclamation point and question mark are easy to hear when spoken, but others, such as quotation marks, are not.To that end, native speakers have adopted the technique of air quotes â€" making quotation marks with their fingers as they say the phrase they wish to emphasize.Using air quotes improperly is considered bad grammar, just as writing them at the wrong place in a composition would be.As your language skills develop, you too will be able to add emphasis to your speaking skills with body language. Learn how to avoid common mispronunciations with this blog.The pretty little grey cat displays proper adjective order (Source: Pixabay Credit: Susannp4)Word Order MattersIn English, arranging words to form sentences generally follows this form: subject-verb-object, except to phrase questions.  Don't forget the many exceptions in the English language.This exception was probably covered in your earliest English language classes. The following example is a further step in understanding word order.A pretty little grey cat sat under the tree.Listing adjectives requires a certain order. The qualifications are as follows:Quantity or numberQuality or opinionSizeAgeShapeColorProper adjective (often nationality, other place of origin, or material)Purpose or qualifierAccording to this list, the color of the cat is less important than its size; therefore little precedes grey.Similarly, the opinion that the cat is pretty is far more meaningful than either of its other attributes, hence it is the first adjective on the list.Whether studying for Ielts or learning English f or everyday use, this is one of the grammar lessons you should exercise often, until you can use serial adjectives like a native English speaker.Who is More Important?You might find, in the course of your reading, a such a sentence:I love my parents, Sean Connery and the Queen of England.This sentence lacks a comma after Connery, leaving the reader to wonder if that person's parents are indeed those illustrious  beings.The issue of the Oxford comma is currently the topic of a heated debate among scholars. Some argue that the sentence could be thus written:I love the Queen of England, Sean Connery and my parents.Changing word order eliminates the need for a serial comma, but it also indicates that the speaker's parents are less important than the other people on the list.The more you practise, the more fluent you will become, and more adept at recognizing these and other tricky grammar rules!Are you interested in learning English online? Find a private tutor for specialised online le ssons.

5 Keys to Effective Online Calculus Tutoring

5 Keys to Effective Online Calculus Tutoring Improving Academic Performance Sam Ribnick is an online MyGuru tutor for calculus and physics. He attended MIT where he received a Bachelor of Science in Physics, and is a high school physics teacher in Boston Public Schools. He has tutored students online and in person on subjects including AP calculus, AP and IB physics, multi-variable calculus and introductory college physics. Last semester I worked with a student taking a college multi-variable calculus class, and it was one of the most successful and fulfilling tutoring relationships I have had. We “met” two times a week using MyGuru’s online meeting system, and I was able to help her understand the concepts behind double integrals, Green’s Theorem and partial derivatives. Done right, online tutoring can be even more effective than face-to-face tutoring. The most important thing is finding an excellent tutor, but there is a lot you can do as the student to get the most out of your online tutoring. Here are 5 keys for you to keep in mind: Send a link to the class website. First thing, send the tutor a link to any class websites or textbooks available online. You may need to send your login information. Remember to set the password to something different from your usual password (use something simple like “tutor123”). If the textbook is not available online, send the tutor the title, author and edition - sometimes the tutor will be able to find the book online or in a library nearby. Take notes! The tutor will be writing on the screen, but you will still need the old-fashioned pen, paper and calculator. Prepare for an online session the same way you would for face-to-face. Have your textbook, notebook and other materials handy. And when your tutor shows you how to calculate that tricky volume integral, make sure you write it down! Try the problems and share your work. Just like with face-to-face tutoring, the amount you learn depends on how much effort you put in! If you struggled to understand partial derivatives in lecture, make sure that you attempt a few problems before you meet with the tutor. Then use your phone’s camera to snap a photo of the work and email it to the tutor before the session. The tutor will be able to give you more specific help after seeing what you’ve tried and where you got stuck. You talk, the tutor writes. The tutor can’t see what you write on your paper, so you will need to explain your steps out loud while she writes on the screen. It might sound complicated to explain how you did an integral, but it actually can be a huge boost to your learning. When you explain your steps out loud, you clarify your own understanding, and you give the tutor insight into your thinking so she can correct any misunderstandings. Stay focused! Are you easily distracted by facebook and online games? Keep them closed!! If you find you are getting lost or bored, tell your tutor or even request a different tutor. With a good tutor, calculus should be interesting and engaging, but it’s your job to stay focused! Meeting online is not the same as meeting face-to-face, but I have found that online tutoring can have a lot of benefits over face-to-face. With online tutoring you can usually record the session, or have your tutor send you the notes after the session. This is a great way to get the most out of your tutoring time, giving you a chance to review that tricky triple integral one more time! Click here to see the specific types of online tutoring we offer! hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(215486, '6baac2ae-05a3-4610-9d1f-265c8cbd809f', {});